Our Humanitarian Credo – Réseau Humanitaire Afrique

By Jean Narcisse Djaha, PhD, Founding Partner and Executive Director, Réseau
Humanitaire Afrique

Our Manifesto for humanitarian action in Africa resolutely focused on humanity,
intergenerational solidarity, sharing and social responsibility. The Manifesto we are most
proud of:
 We believe that man is a creature of God and deserves humanity and solidarity.
 We believe that humanitarian action has the power to enhance human dignity in
Africa based on our four founding values: Humanity, Intergenerational Solidarity,
Sharing and Social Responsibility as well as on the superior value of the human
 We believe in offering people affected by conflicts an opportunity to recover their
dignity as humans and Africans.
 We believe in our ability to carry out a humanitarian mission with a human face in
order to reactivate the diplomacy of the Palaver Tree in Africa.
 We believe in human reconstruction and human development of people in crisis
 We believe it is possible to create joyful memories that reflect the cultures, values
​​and traditions of the people we help.

 We believe in the power of talking tree diplomacy to find African-style solutions to
crises on the African continent.
We invite individuals and organizations who share our vision and mission to join us in
advancing our project to help people in crisis and the most vulnerable in Africa.

How to join us
Please contact:
Jean Narcisse Djaha
Founding Partner & Executive Director
Réseau Humanitaire Afrique
Virginia/Wasghington, DC, USA
Telephone: +1 703 200 4022
Email : info@jeannarcissedjaha.com

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